More details to follow in the next issue of ‘The Evacuee’
Following our recent collaboration with historian, Josh Levine, The British Evacuees Association was mentioned in ‘The Daily Express on Saturday 23rd November, 2024.
Since the magazine went to print, the amount raised by Chris is now £4683.67.
Chris covered 50 miles in 19 hours of walking! Chris set off on The Wales Coastal Path around Chester which follows the river Dee to the coast and then along the sea to Llandudno, around Connah’s Quay to Flint Castle, Bagillt Stonehenge to Bettisfield Beacon, past Whelston towards the Point of Ayre Nature Reserve, Talacre, Prestatyn, Rhyl, Colwyn Bay towards the finish at Llandudno Bay front. He passed through many more places enroute, an epic journey! Full details of Chris’s fantastic achievement and route can be found in the current issue of ‘The Evacuee’ magazine (Issue 245).
Original post below...
Chris Vincent is walking 50 miles from Chester to Llandudno in 24 hours on 13th October 2023 to raise much needed funding for The British Evacuees Association!
Chris writes:
Dear Karen
My mother in law was evacuated from Liverpool to Wales during World War Two, she walks in the Remembrance Parade in London with other evacuees organised by The British Evacuees Association, a non-profit making registered charity desperately in need of funds to continue it’s great work.
Do you want to join me in making a difference?
I’m planning to walk 50 miles in 24 hours from Chester to Llandudno raising much needed funds for THE BRITISH EVACUEES ASSOCIATION and every donation will help. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
Here is the link to the GoFundMe page: Please support us if you can, your support would mean so much.
Thanks a lot for your amazing work
Chris Vincent
All details of his route and experience can be found in issue (245) of ‘The Evacuee’.
9th May 2023
Allan and Karen Follows representing The British Evacuees Association at The Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on 9th May 2023
Karen Follows was invited to attend a Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace in recognition of her work for The British Evacuees Association. It was a fabulous day and a real honour to represent the Association and its members at such a memorable event.
Cenotaph 2022
I'm emailing from October Films, an award-winning production company based in London. We are currently working on a new documentary series for a major UK broadcaster which explores the history, development and future of the transport and infrastructure networks of Britain. One of our episodes is about the history of the railways, and we would be very interested in interviewing an evacuee about experience of evacuation and trains from that era and perhaps visiting a station with them (not essential).
I look forward to hearing from you
Tabitha Machin, Assistant Producer, October Films
0207 2846868
As mentioned in the May/June 2022 ‘Evacuee’ (Issue Number 236), the Association is feeling the effects of age like most of our members. The older our members become, the less members we have. This was always inevitable but who would have thought in 1996 when James brought the Association to life that The British Evacuees Association would still be going in 2022. Our membership numbers are however greatly reduced. The Age Factor, the Pandemic and the current economic climate are all playing their part.
Our membership fees pay for the running of the office and the publication of our magazine ‘The Evacuee’, and put simply as our membership numbers fall, our income drops and we have less money to pay for the essential running costs and to produce our magazine. Our reserves are being constantly being drawn upon and we have to think ahead as to how long we can continue.
Looking at our figures, and if we assume that things will continue as they are, we would estimate that we can carry on for a further year which would take us up to the end of June 2023.
Those of you who are due to renew your subscription will notice that your renewal reminders have been amended to reflect the time of your membership remaining up until that date. We are unable to take the full membership fee for a year if we are unlikely to be around at that point. All renewal dates will be brought in line to coincide with the closure of the Association so it would be greatly appreciated it you would all continue to subscribe until then. If members decide not to renew, it will affect our figures so please give us your support until June 2023 if you are able. Your continued support is really important at this difficult time.
At the time of going to print, I, the Editor estimates that there is approximately another 10 years of our stories yet to be told so it is very unfortunate and sad that perhaps they will not be told within the pages ‘The Evacuee’ magazine.
Of course, if, we receive any funding in the meantime, we will extend the proposed closing date past 30th June to take this into account. The Editor will look into various funding options to see if there are any available for our Registered Charity If you have any suggestions, please could you contact the office.
On a more personal note, I have now been employed at the office for over 22 years and will be very sad to see the office close at any point. I have been privileged to read your stories and get to know you all as members. You certainly are a unique group of people and it has been an honour to get an insight into your unique history first hand. I know that your experiences have gone onto determine the way you have lived your lives, some of you indeed say that the evacuation has made you stronger and more independent because you had to grow up so quickly and look out for yourself, some were also responsible for younger siblings, too. The effects of Evacuation have played a part in all your lives in some way, it has, in fact, shaped a generation.
I must thank you personally for all your support. The office receives numerous letter and notes of appreciation and recently received two bouquets of flowers and a fabulous trophy with my name on it! All your lovely comments, kind words and thoughts really are appreciated. The British Evacuees Association clearly means so much to so many of you!
Editor and Manager of The British Evacuees Association
Hi Karen, As I mentioned our Association is CKEAM, which represents the estimated 80/90,000 UK Civilians killed
in this county during the War by Enemy Action. We are represented at the annual Service at the Garden
of Remembrance and at the Cenotaph.
If any of your members who lost relatives during the War, or wish to remember the Fallen, we would be
honoured to have them join us, there is a limited number of places. Unfortunately for us with the passage
of time we are losing a few people, and it is a shame that the places cannot be filled.
The members can participate in the own right and wear an appropriate badge.
Please circulate on your website. All I need is:
name, address, email, DOB and place of birth for the RBLI security.
Anyone interested please apply directly to Jeff Borsack or if you require any further information please contact him
directly on 07836 222184 or email Jeff Borsack civmemww1ww2@outlook.com
A truly remarkable woman. Thank you for your extraordinary service. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the Royal Family following their great loss.
As Princess Elizabeth, The Queen made her first public speech on 13th October 1940 to the evacuees of the Second World War from the Drawing Room of Windsor Castle. King George V1 was asked by the Prime Minister Winston Churchill if his fourteen year old daughter could make the morale boosting speech on the radio which was broadcast on the BBC’s Children’s Hour. She spoke directly to the children who had been separated from their families as part of the evacuation scheme.
Within the speech Princess Elizabeth says “It is not difficult for us to picture the sort of life you are all leading, and to think of all the new sights you must be seeing and the adventures you must be having, but I am sure that you, too, are often thinking of the old country.”
“Thousands of you in this country have had to leave your homes and be separated from your fathers and mothers. My sister Margaret Rose and I feel so much for you, as we know from experience what it means to be away from those you love most of all. To you living in new surroundings, we send a message of true sympathy and at the same time we would like to thank the kind people who have welcomed you to their homes in the country.”
Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret were evacuated to Windsor Castle, approximately 20 miles outside of London. The young princesses were two of over three million people—mainly children—who left cities for the safety of small towns and the countryside over the course of the war. The government’s Children’s Overseas Reception Board (CORB) also evacuated over 2,600 children to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States.
The office of The British Evacuees Association will be closed on 19th September, 2022, and from 14th October to 25th October 2022. The Summer Draw which was to take place on 19th September, 2022, will now take place on 20th September, 2022, due to extra Bank Holiday.
James Roffey MBE, celebrating with afternoon tea, following the Investiture at Buckingham Palace – 19th November 2019
Lady Emma, James, Karen and Sherin enjoying afternoon tea
Representing the Association this year was: Reg Baker, Nicholas Batten, Gill Cole, Olive Cole, Dean Collins, Grace Crossley, Jackie Daly, Karen Follows, Brenda Foord, Doreen Greenwood, Vera Grigg, Daphne Harris, Angela Hooper, Peter Lane, Charmain Laughton, Heather Leigh, Evelyn Long, Michelle Messenger, Peter Messenger, Michael Moore, Deborah Neale-Smith, Doreen Nichol, Christine Nicoll, Sheila Pritchard, Linda Roth, Mary Schofield, Janet Spindler, Stuart Speer, Vera Speer, Christopher Staddon, Patricia Thompson, Kay Turner, Julie Underhay, Magnus Underhay, Paul Vincent, Victoria Vincent, Leona Walton, Olive West, June White and Michael Wiseman.
Some of our group catching up in Horseguards Parade, London after the
Cenotaph 10th November 2019
Some of our group at Horseguards Parade following the Cenotaph 10th November 2019
Some of our group after The Cenotaph Parade 2019
Tillington Hall Weekend Gala Evening April 2018
Over 220 members, family and friends were present. We were honoured to welcome HRH The Duke of Gloucester at this momentous event. Read more about this on our Memorial page
HRH The Duke of Gloucester and Karen 25th July 2017
The installation of our National Memorial took place on 6th July 2017
Pictured here are our sculptor, Maurice, Karen and James
Chatham Dockyard Event September 2016 - set up and waiting for the crowds to arrive
As usual 48 of our members proudly took part in the Cenotaph Parade in London on 8th November 2015
CHATHAM DOCKYARD SALUTE TO THE 1940’S 19th-20th September 2015
Click on the image above for more images from this event.
Members of the 'We'll Meet Again' team and Education Officer at the Perlethorpe Weekend event 18th/21st September 2015.
A Pearly Queen and Karen at the St. James's Park event, London in July 2005.
Owston Ferry Heritage Society are hosting a D-Day Event, Owston Ferry, - 8th/9th June 2024
There will be exhibitions/displays etc in the Village Hall & Smithy Museum, both on High Street. These will include Armed Forces (the West Kents were stationed here), Military hardware, Land Army, ARP, First Aiders & Evacuees.
Due to a prior engagement, The BEA has sent lots of literature, application forms and backcopies of ‘The Evacuee’ for display and handing out to visitors. They have very kindly offered to promote us. Evacuees from Hull were sent to Owston Ferry – here are some of the names of those who are known to have been evacuated there:
Betty Ablett; Edith Borrill (Guy); John Brady; Gerald, Basil, Derek & Tom Clayphan; Edith Cooper (Brocklebank); Ian & Peter Garbutt; Allan & Ann Gilchrist (Goaten); Marion (Curtis), Vera (Lomas or Greenley) & Jean (McLoughlin) Greenwood; Pat & Bob Harmsworth; Enid Lowe (Dalby); Dorothy Mann (Winchester); Margaret (Lester) & Rose (Crittenden) Twidle; Harold, Lilian (Kavanagh or Sellers) & Leslie Watson; Audrey Whitby (Pool); Alan & Jean Wood.
If you require more details please contact the Secretary of the Heritage Society on 01427-728025
Smithy Museum: (Evacuees/Land Army Display) Sat 8th June 2 - 6. Sun 9th June 2 - 5
Village Hall: (Military Exhibition) Sat 8th June ONLY, 4 - 7
Recreation Field (next to village hall) Stalls/stands/games etc Sat 8th June ONLY, 2 - 6
(Weather permitting an outdoor film screening will directly follow the Rec events)
All locations are on Owston Ferry High St, within 100 yards of each other. Refreshments will be available on Sat, most likely in the Methodist Chapel (across street from village hall)
Cenotaph 2023
Thank you to everyone who represented The British Evacuees Association so brilliantly in London on 12th November 2023. You did us proud. One of our members even travelled from the USA to take part in the event.
Karen was unable to attend the event this year due to a holiday but took these photographs whilst away to commemorate the occasion.
Above photographs – Memorial in central Sydney, Australia
Above photographs – Kings Park, Perth, Australia
Representing us on The Cenotaph March in November 2023 will be:
Christian Adams, Keith Adams, Ken Argent, Michael Baker, Reg Baker, Nick Batten, Gill Cole, Dean Collins, Walter Collins, Geoffrey Crank, Heather Crank, Grace Crossley, Jackie Daly, Jay Fry, Doreen Greenwood, Vera Grigg, Georgia Kerton, Michelle Messenger, Peter Messenger, Catherine Moore, Samson Noakes, Doreen Nichol, Sheila Pritchard, Sherin Roffey, Linda Roth, Vivienne Simpson, Katrina Skinner, Janet Spindler, Patricia Thompson, Len Townsend, Kay Turner, Julie Underhay, Magnus Underhay, Christoper Vincent, Paul Vincent and Michael Wiseman.
There is a reserve list should we be allocated surplus tickets.
Mr Michael Aspel OBE – Television Presenter and former evacuee
Sir Robert Crawford CBE – Former Director General of the Imperial War Museum
Lady Emma Barnard – of Parham Park, home for evacuees during World War Two
Former Patron and Evacuee - Sir Roger Moore
Former Patron and Evacuee Sir Bruce Forsyth CBE
Former Patron and Evacuee Mr Henry Sandon MBE
Mr Michael Aspel OBE – Television Presenter and former evacuee
Sir Robert Crawford CBE – Former Director General of the Imperial War Museum
Lady Emma Barnard – of Parham Park, home for evacuees during World War Two
Former Patron and Evacuee - Sir Roger Moore
Former Patron and Evacuee Sir Bruce Forsyth CBE
Former Patron and Evacuee Mr Henry Sandon MBE