More details to follow in the next issue of ‘The Evacuee’
Donations and gifts are an essential part of our day to day running, in fact as a registered charity who do not have any current funding, we rely on the subscriptions and donations of our members to carry on our valuable work.
Online donations can be made using the following details:
The British Evacuees Association Bank details: To pay by BACS
Barclays Bank, Retford Branch - Sort Code 20-55-62 Account Number 63740919
If you shop online you can create donations for The British Evacuees Association at no extra cost to you.
We have registered with www.givingabit.com who are partnered with thousands of shops that will pay us a donation everytime a purchase is made.
It will not cost you a penny and is easy to set up, in fact you could also save money as there are thousands of discount codes too!
You can still shop directly from your favourite shops, including Amazon, Sainsbury’s, John Lewis, Argos, Debenhams and many hundreds more – To get started just go to www.givingabit.com and then sign up for free, then click on ‘Find a Charity or Community’ from your Quick links box and choose The British Evacuees Association from the list that appears. You can then continue to shop by choosing the retailer from the list that appears, you shop in just the same way but by going through the givingabit website you generate a donation to us.
Remember, it is the shop that pays a donation to our Charity and not you!
Approximately 3% of what you spend is given to charities as a donation and with so many shops, from everyday grocery shopping, home and car insurers, mobile phone companies, holiday specialists and everything for the home and garden, there are so many opportunities to create a donation for us!
Please give it a go whilst you are doing your Christmas shopping this year!
If you are eligible please complete a Gift Aid donation form.
What is Gift Aid? - Gift Aid gives you an extra 25p for every £1 you donate, your subscription also qualifies for Gift Aid. Gift Aid is an income tax relief designed to benefit charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASC). If you’re a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid increases the value of your charity donations by 25% because the charity can reclaim the basic rate of tax on your gift at no extra cost to you.
For a charity to claim Gift Aid on your donation you must first have paid UK Income or Capital Gains Tax that financial year. The tax you pay must be equivalent to the amount of Gift Aid the charity will reclaim on your donation that tax year, (and will be claimed by other charities and CASCs). VAT and Council Tax do not meet this criteria.
From April 2015, the income tax personal allowance has increased to £10,600 for individuals born after 5 April 1948. If your income is below £10,600, you will no longer be able to claim Gift Aid on eligible donations.
If you’re a higher rate taxpayer, you can claim additional tax benefits for the donations you make to charity, which you can keep or pass on to a charitable organisation. Simply indicate how much you’ve donated.
The process is really simple; all you need to do is click here to download, print out and fill in our Gift Aid Declaration form, alternatively you can contact us and we can post a form out to you.
The form is a statement from you to the charity confirming that you want to donate through Gift Aid and receive tax back on your donation.
If you are in doubt as the whether we hold a declaration for you, I can check if we already hold a completed gift aid declaration for you.
Don’t forget to browse our latest selection of books and merchandise click here, which make ideal stocking fillers, By purchasing these items you are not only raising funds but promoting our Association to others by displaying our name.
Below: Jamie Gifford ran the Brentford Half Marathon on 19th March 2017 and raised
a grand total of £1295.00 for our National Memorial.
Here is Jamie, pictured with his proud grandparents, Joy and Len Townsend,
(former Trustee and Chairman of our Association) both having
been evacuated.
A legacy gift to is a planned future donation to a charity, given through a will or other form of designation.
It is a decision that each person makes in their own financial planning process, taking into account their charitable wishes and values.
Having an up-to-date will is the only way to make sure that your family and friends, and any charities you care about, are provided for as you intended.
We would always recommend consulting a solicitor to ensure that all the legal formalities are correctly followed and your will is valid. If you would like to add a donation to an existing will, you can use a codicil. Adding a codicil to your will means there is no need to change the terms of your current will. It simply adds a new instruction. However, we would recommend that you get this checked by a solicitor. There are three different types of gifts you could leave in your will: residuary, pecuniary, and specific.
A residuary legacy is a share of the balance of your estate once all other payments have been made.
A pecuniary legacy is a fixed sum of money.
A specific legacy is a gift of a specific item, such as personal possessions, land, buildings or shares.
Your solicitor will advise on the specific wording you need to use for different types of gifts
It would be helpful for our budgeting it you could advise us that you are intending to leave a gift in your will to our charity.
We recommend that you use a specialist legal advisor when making or updating a Will.
Before your appointment it can be very useful to make two lists: Your assets (property, shares, valuable objects) and People and causes you wish to leave something to. Your specialist legal advisor may give you their own form to fill in prior to your meeting.
Before seeing a specialist advisor you may wish to consider who your executor(s) will be. Your executor(s) are responsible for carrying out your wishes as written into your Will – you can choose up to four. Family members, friends or professional advisors (e.g. solicitor or accountant) can all be your executor(s).
A good solicitor will make sure your will is worded to take account of any changes in your family or personal circumstances, such as marriage or divorce, the birth of children or grandchildren, or coming into an inheritance. It’s also important to check if your estate is affected by Inheritance Tax because legislation changes over the years.
Gifts left in wills are really important to charities. However, even if you haven’t made a will, making a pledge to leave a gift in your will in the future would really help charities find out about your future intentions and enable them to plan for the future.
Pledges are not legally binding. You are simply allowing your chosen charity to confidently estimate future support for their causes.
Mr Michael Aspel OBE – Television Presenter and former evacuee
Sir Robert Crawford CBE – Former Director General of the Imperial War Museum
Lady Emma Barnard – of Parham Park, home for evacuees during World War Two
Former Patron and Evacuee - Sir Roger Moore
Former Patron and Evacuee Sir Bruce Forsyth CBE
Former Patron and Evacuee Mr Henry Sandon MBE
Mr Michael Aspel OBE – Television Presenter and former evacuee
Sir Robert Crawford CBE – Former Director General of the Imperial War Museum
Lady Emma Barnard – of Parham Park, home for evacuees during World War Two
Former Patron and Evacuee - Sir Roger Moore
Former Patron and Evacuee Sir Bruce Forsyth CBE
Former Patron and Evacuee Mr Henry Sandon MBE